Wednesday, 19 June 2013

A long overdue Hello! :)

Well, hello, hello :)

It's been ages since my last post here, I feel almost like a stranger on my own blog :) Lol
So much has happened since my last illustrations for Profil International were all finished in time and delivered to the publisher. I was so happy to know all the editors working on this project were more than happy with my work. Then on the 9th April I finally held my baby girl in my arms-Lora! She was just beautiful and healthy and I fell in love with her immediately :) She's now a fast growing 2m old baby and doing really great, a great sleeper/eater and a very happy smiley baby as you can see :)

As I got home from the hospital with Lora a few days after I managed to go check my emails and all, I found  another job offer from yet another Croatian Publisher. So after my maternity leave there will be plenty of work as I can already see-very exciting!
Meanwhile my eldest finished her 1st kindergarten year and had such an amazing year of making new friends. learning and adapting.So proud of her! And as the summer finally arrived here (as we had the worst weather in Cro as I can remember) we are ready for the beach & the sea and to enjoy these summer hols!

And to sum this post 1st finished piece I managed to draw & paint after giving birth...and I really enjoyed working on it!
Wishing you all a great summer-have fun!!!!!



Antoana Oreski ©2013